Subscribe to Zuquap: Blair (Derek) just dropped a killer country album! Give it a listen!!: Our Patreon: SubReddit: Insta: @wizardswithguns TikTok: wizardswithguns Twitter: @WWG_TV You know this person, the guy who jokes way too causally with you, as if you were childhood friends, even though you've just meet like a week ago. They blatantly insult you like it's no big deal and pass it off as classic friendly ribbing. We all know these guys! They're usually six or seven feet tall and hit you in the head with a basketball regardless of weather or not you're on a court. Everyone can relate to getting "slam dunked" into a dumpster by a former six time NBA champion. We've all met this type of person... They're usually named Kareem, or Abdul, or even Jabbar... sometimes all three. Yeah, we all agree we've had this classic experience on like... a daily basis. Anyway... enjoy the comedy sketch! Music: 8 Bit Gaming Mix No. 1 - Best Chiptune Without Words - Lalo Brickman Lord of the Land - Kevin Macleod (Metal Cover) - Topherlicious #Wizards #Comedy #SketchComedy